Thursday, December 25, 2008

yes today its our countries Birthday weve even got the Russians coming over
for a few shots of vodka.. beer and bbq as well"

ohh this is my NEW thang"

ok im new to this blog thingy' hello anyone"

well im a private person so blogging here is sorta a
a new thang :) thou ppl whoknow me know im kinda extrovert 67 percent of tha time" LoL

im an Australian girl who likes Films alot 'music 'antiques philosophy'accents old buildings photography'theatre arts animals that love you at fist sight'

finding little treasures at the op-shops
my glass of milk is usually half filled im a dark- deep thinking type person 'with a bout of serious tourettes' stuttering homicidal nymfo agrophobic psycho--No im just kidding!
thou iam deep thinker :+)

as for guys i like the sweet honest shy guys'' with a twist of lemon" LoL..

alright thats enough for 1 day,hit me up ifyou have a comment or sumthing to say? thx xx